Do you want to SUPERCHARGEĀ your PINTEREST account?

With Pinterest boasting being the highest driver of website traffic for businesses what is there not to love?

Here at The Social Giraffe we love seeing how Pinterest grows the smallest of business and we want to help you do more than just Pin and to magnetise your product or service.Ā 

Our FREE step by step guide will help to give you clarity in three distinct areas:

  • Business goals
  • Pinterest SEO
  • Designing the Perfect Pin
  • Pulling it all together to reach your goals

These are the first steps towards building a Pinterest business strategy to increase website traffic, grow your business and reach your business goals.Ā 

Start your Supercharged Pinterest journey with The Social Giraffe

Get your FREE download now


Growth mindset and your Pinterest goals

We were once asked by a student why anyone would take notice of her brand on Pinterest and why should she put the work in when it seems an overwhelming and needy platform.  She was trying to decide where her valuable time would be best spent for growing her business. 

That's why we have simplified our Pinterest process so that every business can sharpen their selling skills, untangle the overwhelm and we can help as many people as possible to realise the potential that their business has for growth and sales on Pinterest. 

There is room for everyone to see their business thrive on Pinterest and to utilise it as a valuable tool to drive your business growth. 

Pinterest is a mixture of art and science

You have the perfect image. Yes!

You have great content to link it to. Yes!

You are all ready to pin-it! Yes.

Well, actually NO you are not.

Have you carried out enough keyword research? Do you know how to use them and where to find them? Do you know that to run an effective advertising campaign you need at least 200 keywords?

Sounds a bit daunting doesn't it? It doesn't need to be. We are here to give you clarity and simplify the process using our proven Social Giraffe Pinterest System. This will guide you through the tips and tricks needed to ensure your content shows up on Pinterest and your business grows. (oh, and in a Google search!).

When getting started on Pinterest consistency is key


  • How many Pins per day?
  • How do I pin consistently?
  • How much time will it take?
  • I don't have enough content, what can I do?

With our proven Social Giraffe Pinterest System it will not take you hours of work to run a successful Pinterest account.  All of our products have be designed and written with two words in mind: CLARITY AND SIMPLICITY. We know how challenging yet another business task can be and want to help you to become the ultimate Social Giraffe with your business standing head and shoulders above the rest. 

Planning is your key to success and our checklist will give you an outline for a weeks worth of content to get you started.  Before you know it you will be a SuperCharged Pinner! 

Start your Supercharged PinterestĀ  journey with The Social Giraffe

Get your FREE download now